In-silico guided CRISPR-Cas9 Driven Enzyme Engineering Technology (Kit); Easy and Fast way for Engineering Enzymes-Kcat has developed a new enzyme engineering (Patent No: 202141002674, 20thJAN-21) framework with Insilico guided CRISPR-CAS driven. This framework is combined with artificial intelligence for predicting hotspots and deriving a focussed library. Salient features of Kcat Enzymatic CRISPR-Cas9 Enzyme Engineering Technology(Kit):• The source gene (enzyme) of interest will be provided by Kcat Enzymatic• The kit...
“7D-QSAR” INTEGRATED WITH QUANTUM MECHANICS A NOVEL TOOL FOR IMPROVING INDUSTRIAL ENZYMES, OUR NEW PATENT -The patented technology works on Quantum mechanics-based probes/grid points, and real solvation using semi-empirical QM simulations. The dynamic probes atoms in the grid are replaced based on the neighbor-neighbor contacts in the conformational transitions. The Dynamic grid points capture high-resolution details of the enzymatic reaction. The method was implemented on an R-specific transaminase enzyme and...
7D GRID ENZYME ENGINEERING ENGINE®-Kcat Enzymatic brings Enzyme Engineering & Biocatalysis Revolution by using upfront in-silico in-house developed methods and algorithms using 7D Grid Technology for enzyme engineering (Patent No: 201841047021). In this line, a new and advanced way of enzyme engineering methods were developed to use enzymes in industrial processes. Our multiscale methods and technologies gives custom engineered...
Treatment for Affections of Human Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract-A plant-derived composition of active ingredients of certain plant extracts is provided to treat the affections of the Human Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract. The invention applies to healing and curative effects of certain active ingredients in the extracts of plants such as Wilbrandia ebracteate, Plumbago zeylanica, Azadirachta indica, Juglans nigra, Eucalyptus globulus, Mentha piperita,...